Sex is considered a taboo in many African communities. Many youth especially girls who have been abused or raped suffer in silence due to fear of stigmatization from the family and society.
The information what a girl could do in emergency situations can have big impact on her life. Ask without Shame becomes handy since we anonymously extended free guidance and counseling services to youths via SMS and Voice Calls
Sex Education:

Our Inspiration
Ruth Nabembezi is the initiator and driving force behind the organization. She grew up in an orphanage home in Uganda. Her parents passed away when she was young because of AIDS. Her sister developed severe skin rashes, the neighbors in the village believed that she was possessed by demons and was taken to a witch doctor to be cleansed but died. Pamela was born with HIV and died because of a lack of sensitization and awareness on HIV. After Ruth joined the Social Innovation Academy (SINA) and started working on the problem of shame and stigma when it comes to sex education. The idea of a Sex-Education-App and text message service for information without shame emerged. So far Ask Without Shame serves thousands of youth globally.
Our Impact
Ask Without Shame Clinic
We operate a clinic that offer medical and coaching services such as laboratory services, minor surgeries, family planing, counseling & guidance to the community at relatively subsidized rates
Community Outreach
We conduct specific needs based awareness sensitization and trainings in local communities, schools and universities across Uganda using FAQs from our users.
Call Centre
Our call centre responds to over 200 questions on a daily basis. Clients’ questions are responded to via our Android App that can be downloaded from the Google play store, WhatsApp, SMS and calls. Medical experts are available 24/7 to assist users without any shame or judgment freely

Our Vision
Empowered youths with accurate Sexual Reproductive Health information making informed decisions.
Providing accurate sexual reproductive health information to African youth without any shame or judgment through mobile technology, coaching and community outreaches
Get Involved
Sex is still a taboo in many African communities. Our efforts to improve and promote sexual health is still lacking. We need everyone to lend their support!
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